Friday, January 4, 2013

Production possibility! Help for WAHM's

Hello All, It has been some time since I have written a blog, the reasons for this are many and varied and as its a new year (welcome to 2013!)I think it is worthwhile looking forward to the future. I am heading to Bali in Feb and very much looking forward to a break with my partner, hopefully a romantic, but productive holiday. As you all know, I owned a factory in Bali from 2007 to 2010. This was very successful, but for personal reasons I handed ownership of that factory to the Balinese man that had managed it for me and effectively 'set him up' for the future. I am now exploring the possibility of owning another factory and this time living in Bali to manage it myself, it is much more viable to live there and oversee production and quality control for myself. I will be producing several labels of my own and will take on production for small business' with the intention to support Work At Home Mum's (WAHM's). I would very much like to produce Australian labels only and at a cost that is viable and effective for their business growth. Having said that, there will of course need to be minimum quantities of 20/size/colour in order for production to be cost effective. I will have a timeline/chart set up and upon 30% deposit, your production time will be reserved. You will know exactly when your stock will arrive and can pre-sell it. Minimum quantities in China can be anywhere from 2000/size/colour to 10,000/size/colour and manufacturing delays, from payment of deposit to production start time averages around 6 months. Then of course there is NO GUARANTEE of quality, even after viewing sample garments. Many businesses have been bankrupted/failed due to bulk unsaleable stock arriving. As I will be residing in Bali, I also intend to open a shop in the tourist precinct and would be able to offer premium floor space (charged /sqm)to any business I am producing for. This would effectively give you a transient international customer base. Allowing you to retail your stock at a profit without the cost of postage/packaging added to a direct customer base. The value of this is priceless. Just think for a second that as a small business (WAHM) you were able to afford to open a shop in your local shopping centre...... You would have the same people walking past your shop window every week, initially they would come inside to see what you had to sell. They may purchase, then possibly come back in, once a month to see if anything was new... Your customer base would be limited. Even if you advertised heavily (expensive!!) you could only realistically expect people within a 5km radius to visit your store. With Bali, there are thousands of new tourists every day. Each person that purchases an item would be taking it home to their respective countries, meaning people all over the world would see your product and there is a fresh customer base DAILY. Floor space will ONLY be offered to labels I am producing for. I will once again, employ local balinese, effectively allowing them to earn above standard wages and effectively be wealthy. If they have children, I generally pay for their children's eduction. They will also have health cover and a chef to cook their meal everyday. Their working conditions would be equal to, if not better than western standards...... VERY RARE in Bali! If you are interested in production, I am able to produce patterns, source fabrics, cutting and sewing (including embroidery) then you can contact me at I am happy to answer any questions you may have. My final decision will be made in February as to whether I will reside in Bali and open a new factory, so please understand I can answer your questions, and discuss possibilities, but will not accept any deposits or orders until I am sure it is going ahead. Thank you and Happy New Year Bev xx

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